The fake credit alert scheme is one technique that has been used by fraudster to swindle people of their money, goods and services in the last two decades, and it is still very much used toda.
Studies have shown that a good number of people have fallen for this gimmick of the fake credit alert scheme, while many others are still falling victims dew to the lack of awareness in this area.
Regarding this article, we shall deliberate on 3 Simple Ways you can identify a fake bank credit alert in other not to be taken advantage of by fraudster. See them below
1. Your Bank account will not be credited.
When your bank account is credited, it reflects instantly in your account which is revealed in the increased of figures. But a situation where a credit alert is supposedly on your phones inbox message, and it doesn't alert the available balance in your account, such a transaction or alert can be tagged as a fake one. A credit alert comes with an automatic increase in the available balance.
2. The Fake Alert does not show your available balance.
Another way a fake credit alert can easily be spotted is by checking the available balance column of your alert message. When a credit alert doesn't reveal the money you have left in your saving, is a obviously a fake transaction and should attract the attention of the appropriate authorities.
3. There is usually no trace of the transaction in your Email.
When a bank financial transaction is made - whether a credit or debit transaction, it is usually sent to your Email inbox, most especially when your Email was used in registering the account. When a credit transaction is made, and it wasn't delivered to your email inbox, such an alert is suspicious and must be probed. The proof of transactions is usually sent to the customer's Email by the bank for the sake of record keeping and validation.
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