The Bank Verification Number (BVN) is a unique 11-digit alphanumeric codes that identifies an individual's bank account and helps them to access and transact money easily.
This number is used to check your bank account details. It is a unique number issued by banks to their customers.
You can check your BVN name, number and date of birth through Bank Meanwhile you can dial *565*0# on your Sim you registered with to see your BVN details.
To change your BVN name, date of birth, you can visit the bank where you have an account and ask them to change your BVN details.
If you want to check your BVN name, number and date of birth, all you have to do is go to the bank where you have an account and ask them to provide you with your BVN details.
If you have forgotten your BVN Number, you can check BVN number by dialing *565*0#. The only means to check and change your BVN details is by going to your bank and ask them to provide you with BVN details.
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